25 October 2012

Fibre Growth

Ok....so I've been spinning llama.  Some of you saw the start of this project at spinning and might have heard some unsavory words coming from my mouth.  Well, the spinning is finished, but the language got worse before it was over. 
There was so much VM in the fibre that I spent most of the spinning time picking it out, then I spent most of the plying time picking it out, then I spent most of the winding time picking it out....and as it dries in the sun today, I see even more.  I'm sure it will fall out as I knit or some of you will stop me when you see me wearing the sweater and pick it out.....yes, it's that bad. 
Originally I thought it was the llama from one particular farm, but no...two batches, two different farm....same overload of VM.  The good news is, I am currently finished.  What was left has been put away for a different time.  So I have some bulky yarn for a sweater, which is always amazing to me....even after two years of spinning. 
PS....if you see VM in these photos, please don't tell me.  I've either already picked it out or would just rather not know until it pokes me.

Now, because of all the aforementioned picking, there is fibre all over the deck.  The birds and squirrels are having a party at my place.  And, a little fibre made it into the planting....if only it would actually grow.

On another note, why is it that all the plants in my yard look the best just before they're about to die? 

1 comment:

  1. The llama looks delicious!!! I purchased some llama this summer and I'm eager to see if it has VM, I'm assuming it will.
